:: Mini Mansion Photoshoot ::

Welcome back!  Last Friday, August 13th I was privileged enough to shoot in an absolutely breathtaking mini mansion located in Rancho Bernardo.  There were so many spots inside as well as outside of the home that made for stunning settings to place my exquisitely gorgeous models in and I'm looking forward to the next opportunity to shoot here, so I can use more of them.  Now, let's get to some images!

We started out on the elegant spiral staircase...

Then, worked our way into the foyer...

Where an enchanting chandelier cascaded over the entryway...

Which would ultimately lead me to my favorite photo from the shoot:

Special thanks to the following for making this shoot possible: The Chaya Family, Tony & Terry Eisenhower, David, Matt, Fang, Sasha, Heather, Aimee, Brittany and Mai.

Thanks for stopping by and until next time my friends, "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy"!
[Quote by Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl 1952]

:: Welcome to My World ::

In my recent photographic adventures with Eisenhower Photography, I was privileged enough to experience the exquisite beauty of the Founder's Chapel at USD.  From the moment I walked through the doors, my reaction was literally "WOW" as I glanced around at all of the intricate details and beautiful stained glass windows.  But enough about the chapel, we'll get to that soon enough...let's start with some details!

The dress...


...and of course, shoes.

The flowers were quite lovely.  Simply elegant.

I told you we'd get there.  Now, let's take a peak inside the Founder's Chapel at USD...

I like to play.

Thanks for stopping by and until next time my friends, "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy"!
[Quote by Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl 1952]

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